Area D
法國藝術家Camille Blatrix 「限量藏品」 躲貓貓碳纖維圈椅
Artist Camille Blatrix collaboration - Hide and Seek Carbon Fiber Round - Back Chairr
NTD 360,000
<Limited Edition-10 pcs>
法國知名青年裝置藝術家 Camille Blatrix為「SHANG XIA 上下碳纖維椅」提供了幽默的解讀,以明亮的色彩搭配細木鑲嵌工藝,將座椅打造為雙手抱頭、開懷大笑的卡通形象;或宛如蜷臥椅下的睡獅,勾勒出“叢林之王”的憨態可掬,如同一場奇妙的捉迷藏遊戲。
Camille Blatrix provides a humorous interpretation for the "SHANG XIA carbon fiber chair," using bright colors and intricate wood inlay craftsmanship to turn the seats into cartoon-like figures, with some appearing as if they are embracing their heads with both hands and bursting into laughter, while others resemble sleeping lions under the chairs, depicting a playful "King of the Jungle" character, like a delightful game of hide and seek.
Through this forward-thinking contemporary artist, a brand new perspective is added, interpreting the collision and fusion of classics and trends.
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